The best home improvement for less than $5,000

(BPT) – Curious which home improvement costs less than $5,000, delivers the highest return on investment and has the maximum impact on curb appeal? According to the latest studies, the answer is a new garage door. A garage door replacement is one of the best...

Getting Your Garage Ready for Spring

The weather’s getting warmer and that means Spring Cleaning is just around the corner. This year, as well as cleaning the garage, remember to inspect your garage door system for any damage that may have been done by Old Man Winter. Although garage doors are...

Garage Door Openers: What to Look For

The best garage door opener is the one you install and then never think about again. It is so easy to use and so convenient in every way that you think about it only when you are purchasing it. After that, it fades into the background of your life, offering years and...

Choosing the Right Garage Door Material

Garage doors don’t need yearly upgrades. In fact, most garage doors last upwards of 20 years, so when the time comes to get a new one, you might be surprised by the amount of choices available. Today’s garage doors are better insulated; more secure and require less...